Have you heard of these powerful Sacred stones?? Well let me tell you about them they embody the unification of the Divine Feminine and Masculine energies, and symbolize the primeval energy of the Creator.
According to the Linga Purana, the lingam is a complete symbolic representation of the formless Universe Bearer – the oval-shaped stone is the symbol of the Universe, and the bottom base represents the Supreme Power that holds the entire Universe in it.
So powerful right??? In Hindu traditions, the shape of the stone often represents the union of the god Shiva with his lover Kali. This can be a powerful reminder to embrace the sacred balance of energies within our own bodies and those around us. They are very smooth and colors will range from brown,red,tan or grey. Each looking unique but a very recognizable stone.
Shiva Lingams come from only one place in the world. The Narmada River has a special window of time between the dry season and the monsoon season when the Shiva Lingam stones can be found on the shoreline. The stones are then polished by hand. The elongated egg shapes are most often created by the people who are local to the area. This care and attention to detail can greatly impact the positive energies than radiate from the crystals.
All the elements appear to resonate with Shiva Lingam stones. The most obvious connection is with water since the crystals are found in one of India’s most sacred rivers. The weight of the stones and their grounding nature embody the earth element. Then the significance with Shiva corresponds with air. There’s also the dynamic nature of fire within them. At the core, though, Shiva Lingams are best known for their power to embrace the mystery of unity within duality. The primary lesson that these stones can teach us is about awakening to the sacred connection between all things, including “opposites.”
They will come charged with healing energy and in a gift bag.✨✨