Picture yourself wearing one of these magical FLOWER OF LIFE or METATRONS CUBE ,sacred geometry rings. BY wearing these symbols it will help to raise your vibration.
They are RE-SIZEABLE so they will fit any finger and are made of stainless steel so will not rust !!!
The flower of life is one of the most recognized symbols in the ancient and modern world. The sacred geometric pattern consists of 19 intersecting circles spaced evenly from each other that reveal an intricate pattern of overlapping symmetrical flowers.
Sacred geometry has its origins traced back to the 2000 BCE–1001 BCE in Egyptian and Mesopotamian cultures. Sightings of sacred geometry started popping up around this time in the form of artistic renderings, building designs and household tools and architecture. Thirteen centuries later, when various philosophers and thinkers started seriously studying its potentials, it blossomed in ancient Greece.
The universe was created according to a geometric plan that has ancient origins.
Why you should wear the Flower of life and what is it?
It symbolizes creation, how all life springs forth from a single source and shows the connection between everything. It's the blueprint of life and at its heart, the flower of life reminds us we are all connected.
Metatron's cube contains every shape that exists in the universe God has created, and those shapes are the building blocks of all physical matter. They are known as Platonic solids because the philosopher Plato linked them to the spirit world of heaven and the physical elements on Earth. Those three-dimensional shapes appear throughout creation, in all everything from crystals to human DNA.
So now you KNOW why sacred geometry is SO important to us and holds so much wisdom and you can wear it daily to remember its power.