This clear Quartz skull is incredibly protective ,especially in warding against negative emotions from others . It will help to block any ILL WILL sent your way.
IT will protect your AURA and alleviate dark emotions that spur anxiety and depression.
This piece is so stunning and unique and has some inclusions in it ,I would almost call it a smokey quartz as it has some gorgeous dark inside it and even rainbows.
I hand picked this piece because it was so exquisite and had a more unusual look than the others .
Did you know that humans have worked with crystal skulls for more than 2000 years?
And now you can too!!
So what exactly are the key elements of Quartz? Clear quartz crystals are good for enhancing your intuition & creativity as well as eliminating negative energy. It can also provide a sense of clarity and calmness to those who practice meditation with it, making any meditative session much more productive! So if you’re looking for a way to enhance your spirituality add this skull to your cart.